Lombard Lions Club

District 1J    Lombard, Illinois USA



Lombard Lions Club Minutes

Board Meeting
Sunset Knoll Park
August 9, 2005

Members Present (9): Caputo, Friedrichs, Hulseberg, Kershaw, Kudulis, Orr, Turcotte, Bimber, Tobey

President Friedrichs brought the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.

President Friedrichs gave Lion Turcotte and Lion Hulseberg voting privileges.

Lion Turcotte made a motion to accept the July 12, 2005 minutes as presented. Lion Hulseberg seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Lion Caputo read the financial report:

President Friedrichs presented a thank you letter from the American Cancer Society.

Lion Friedrichs presented the “Calendar of Events” for 2005 - 2006

Lion Turcotte discussed Candy Day and passed out work sheets. He asked that members contact him with changes and additions. Lion Turcotte also stated that supplies would be given out in advance. Lion Turcotte also discussed the need for more volunteers and suggested we look into corporate matching programs.

Lion Bimber said the “Candy” was delivered to the church and all permitting was done.

Lion Ross stated that 25 cases where delivered.

Lion Tobey said there were a few requests for eyeglasses received via the website but that they were from residents outside of Lombard.

Lion Tobey also said that as usual; please submit any website material to him.

Lion Kershaw and Lion Hulseberg discussed the Village of Lombard’s annual Recycling Extravaganza that will be held on September 17 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The event will be held at the Lombard Village Hall, 255 E. Wilson Avenue.

President Friedrichs stated the next board meeting would take place at Sunset Knoll Recreation Center Board Room on September 13 unless notified otherwise.

Lion Hulseberg and Lion Turcotte discussed the Lombard Chamber of Commerce 9th Annual Business Expo. Lion Turcotte stated that the Lions “Hearing Bus” would be there.

Lion Caputo mentioned that the annual installation dinner and golf outing would be held on Monday June 5, 2006.

Lion Hulseberg said that $15,000 was raised in the fundraiser for Richard Kossak, Jr.

There being no further business, Lion Orr made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:00 p.m. Lion Turcotte seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lion W. Scott Tobey

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